Frequently Asked Questions

General Topics

How can I contact someone about this site?

This site is operated by The Compassionate Friends Victoria Siblings Support Team. Contact us via Email:

How do I cancel my registration to this site?

To cancel your registration please contact us via We will do so within 48 hours. In order to improve our service we would appreciate your valuable feedback as to your reason for cancelling.

Our Siblings / Memorial Wall

How do I add my sibling to the Memorial Wall?

Once you have registered for this site you can go directly to My Sibling or click the Add My Sibling at the bottom of the Memorial Wall.

Can I turn off the messages/comments section on my Sibling's wall?

Yes you can.  When you upload your siblings photo, two check boxes will appear. If you choose Yes, then other people can leave public messages. If you choose No, then messages will be disabled - existing comments will still remain visible.

The Creative Wall

How long is it before my post appears on the wall?

TCFV admin monitors all contributions. They will be uploaded within 48 hours.

Can I post more than one artwork?

Yes you can, but there is a limit of one artwork/image per upload. Accepted file types: jpg, png, gif, jpeg, Max. file size: 3 MB,

Contact us if you would like to remove your post

The Discussions Area

What is that symbol that appears next to my name in discussions? Can I change it for a photo of myself?

That colourful symbol is the default "Avatar" for your profile. This site uses Gravatar for profile images.

To change the image, including to a photo, go to and register using the same email address you used to register here.

Why does *** appear in some of the discussions?

We replace any suspicious words with *** as a way to filter out swearing or otherwise inappropriate words.

If you feel a word has incorrectly been replaced then let us know and we will review it.

I don't like what someone has written, can I report it?

We hope that every registered user on this site is being respectful to each other, however, we understand that sometimes this can be written that be triggering to our grief or insensitive.

Below the reply button of every message you will find a reporting button. By reporting a message it will be sent to the site moderators for review.


"I found a website and a book that was really helpful. Can they be added to the resource section?"

Ok. If you get in touch with the details, we will review them for uploading to the site. Contact us via Email:


I know of an event that could be included in the events calendar.

Ok, if you contact us with the details we will review it for inclusion on the site.


What is the chat service?

The Chat Service enables Siblings to get support from trained sibling chat responders via sms. between the hours of 3pm and 12am (midnight) seven days a week.

Click on this link to learn more.