Additional Resources for Siblings
From those who have travelled a similar road to yours, here are some wonderful stories from bereaved siblings. We hope they provide you with comfort and insight. Please be aware that some of this content may be emotionally triggering.
The following links and resources relate to matters to do with sibling loss and are provided for your general reference. The opinions expressed in these materials do not necessarily reflect the views of The Compassionate Friends Victoria.
The Grief that followed my Sister’s Sudden Death Changed Me
Keeping lost Siblings in Your Heart
How my Brother’s Death Saved my Life
My Sudden onset Only Child Syndrome
Sibling Loss – when Grief Goes Unacknowledged
Parent Grief / Sibling Grief: Similarities and Differences
The impact of sibling death on adolescent psychosocial development and psychological wellbeing
Bereaved Young Adults: Social Isolation and the Influence of Gender
Information Sheets
The following are some of TCFV information sheets that you may find helpful as you try to understand and manage your grief experience.